2015 Archive


  • Curator:
    Agnieszka Jelewska

    Space Design:
    Jerzy Gurawski oraz ARPA Architektoniczna Pracownia Autorska Jerzego Gurawskiego - Tomasz Mor, Jakub Chrzanowski, Marek Szapiel, Krzysztof Łuczak

    Experience Designer:
    Michał Krawczak
  • Sound Designer:
    Rafał Zapała

    Interaction Desiger:
    Paweł Janicki

    Interactive System Engeneer:
    Michał Cichy

    Executive Producer:
    Anna Galas-Kosil
  • Coordinator:
    Edyta Zielnik

    Łukasz Orłowski

    Technical Consultations and Construction od Exposition:
    AA Studio Kombiko Bis

    Graphic Design for PR materials:
    Manuka Studio


In 1968, when Jerzy Grotowski was working on his last performance, Apocalypsis cum figuris, one of the most important theatrical events of the 20th century, he thought about space as a value that extends and stretches among people. The space he imagined was an empty, anthropocentric space, open for establishing relations between people and seeking out the individual’s spiritual depth. Our effort to recall that event today, at the beginning of the 21st century, takes on extraordinary meaning – in particular, since one of the provocateurs of this act is Jerzy Gurawski, the stage designer who cooperated with the director in the first stage of his artistic activity. For Grotowski, in a sense apocalypse stood for the decomposition and defragmentation of the tradition of romanticism – crucial for Polish history – but also for the parallel disintegration occurring within traditional dramatic texts, dialogue, and stage communication.

The Polish national exhibition Post-Apocalypsis curated by Agnieszka Jelewska has been awarded the Gold Medal of the 13th Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design and Space festival.

The Gold Medal PQ 2015 for Sound Design went to the Polish team for its project Post-Apocalypsis, which the jury appreciated for its clever use of sound – the sensitive and interactive sound design reflects contemporary ideas relating to the relationship between man, nature and technology as part of a hybrid communications system.


fot. Markéta Bendová
fot. Markéta Bendová
fot. Markéta Bendová
fot. Markéta Bendová
fot. Markéta Bendová
fot. Markéta Bendová

The project was produced by The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute as part of the main program of the Prague Quadrennial 2019.

Financed by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.