2011 Archive


  • Artists:
    Paweł Althamer,
    Joanna Rajkowska
    Joanna Warsza

    Curators, authors of theme, designers of exposition:
    Ewa Machnio, Agata Skwarczyńska

    Coordinator and producer:
    Anna Galas

    General comissioner:
    Maciej Nowak


Our understanding of theatrical architecture is influenced by the concept of the theatralisation of the urban space. We do not treat architecture as a building, but rather as a space – broadly understood – in which people coexist and build relations with one another. Apart from the scheme of theatralisation, in which these events take place, what is interesting is the sole fact of art being present within the urban space. Independently of the artists’ intentions, their works coexist with other urban objects and constitute a common structure within the urban organism. Four projects will be presented as elements of the urban space influencing its logic and shape.

The project was produced by The Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute as part of the Prague Quadrennial 2011.

Financed by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.